Blog 1.4


Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. today's blog is based on "Overthinking". Everyone has different thinking. Unlimited thoughts come in our mind. Sometimes we think too much, which is called overthinking. According to me, it gives a negative impact on our mind and our personality as well. Generally, We can know the nature of any human just by knowing his thoughts and observing how he handles any situation. Thinking is good but overthinking, I don't think is good for us and our health as well. In the present scenario, everyone is busy. We have lost our happiness because of overthinking. Many people are not happy they are always lost in thoughts. At the end of our life what we get? Nothing. We should not waste our time on overthinking. On that time we can do some good work for others and makes others also happy too. Leave overthinking and stay happy and make others happy. Thinking gives a better solution but overthinking destroy everything. If you have any problem think about it but don't overthink because overthinking will not solve the problem, it will complicate the situation even more. In life, many  difficulties will come to stay strong, think about the solution but don't overthink

" मुसीबतों से भागना, नयी मुसीबतों को निमंत्रण देने के समान है| जीवन में समय-समय पर चुनौतियों एंव मुसीबतों का सामना करना पड़ता है एंव यही जीवन का सत्य है|"

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