Answer of Why

                                                        Answer of Why

Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. Today's blog is based on "Answer of Why". We start our blog with an example. There is a boy who wants to purchase a BMW car. One day he asked a question to itself that why he want to purchase this car. and the answer was "I want to prove myself as a successful person in the society."

Again he asked a question that why I want to prove myself? again he gets the answer, and the answer is "People are showing their success around me". Last question he asked itself why people are doing ? and the answer was shocking. The answer is because "Everyone is doing this because everyone is doing this"  Now everything was clear. In the end, we realized that more than half of the work was done to show others. Perhaps we would have done all the work for ourselves, we would have more success than we have successful today.

Ask yourself once before doing any work Why should I do this? if you positively got your answer then move forward otherwise leave that work. It is only my views not any kind of compulsion. Everyone got only life do not waste it for others. Start asking the question to yourself.
Be happy and keep your surroundings clean. Society will change when we change.

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