Basics of Database Part 3

SQL Command Groups 

DDL( Data Definition Language): Creation of Objects

DML( Data Manipulation Language): Manipulation of data

DCL( Data Control Language): Assignment & removal of permissions

TCL( Transaction Control Language): Saving and restoring changes to a database.

DDL( Data Definition Language)

Create: Creates object in the database/database objects.

Alter: Alters the structure of the database/database objects

Drop: Delete Objects from the database

Truncate: Remove all records from the table permanently

Rename: Rename an object.

Syntax: create table table name(

             column name data type,

             column n data type,

              primary key (one or more columns)


Exp: create table emp(

                      emp_id int(10) not null,

                      first_name varchar(20),

                      last_name varchar (20) not null,

                      salary int (10) not null,

                     primary key (emp_id)


How to see the created table?

Syntax: select * from table name;

Exp: select * from emp;

How to see the logic of created table?

Syntax: describe table name;

Exp: describe emp;

How to add a new column in a table?

Syntax: alter table table name add column column name data type;

Exp: alter table emp add column contact int(10);

How to rename a column in a table?

Syntax: alter table table name rename column column name to new column name;

Exp: alter table emp rename column contact to job_code;

How to delete records from table?

Syntax: truncate table table name;

Exp: truncate table emp;

How to delete a table?

Syntax: drop table table name;

Exp: drop table emp;

DML( Data Manipulation Language)

How to insert data into the table?

Syntax: insert into table name ( column 1, column 2, ..... column n) 


              (values 1, values 2, ......., values n);

Exp: insert into emp (emp_id, first_name, last_name, salary)


        (101, 'Robin', 'Sharma' , 100000);

How we can update something in the table?

Syntax: update table name set column 1 = value 1

               where [condition];

Exp: update emp set last_name='Cholen' where emp_id=101;

If we need to delete something

Syntax: delete from table name where column name where (condition);

Exp: delete from emp where emp_id = 101;

DCL: Data Control Language)

Grant: Give access privileges to the database.

Syntax: grant <privilege list> on <relation name> to <user>

Revoke: Withdraws access privileges given with the grant command.

Syntax: revoke <privilege list> on <relation name> to <user>

TCL(Transaction Control Language)

Commit: Saves the work done.

Rollback: Restore the database to the origin state since the last commit.

Savepoint: Identify a point in a transaction to which you can roll back later.

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