
Showing posts from September, 2019

Blog 2.0

                                                        Environment Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. Today's blog is based on "Environment". We are aware of climate change. W e are harming our environment day by day. we are thinking about only own need. we always take things from the environment but we never give anything to the environment. The present scenario is this we are only pretending that yes we are caring about our environment. don't lie to yourself. we are thinking about our present what about our future? how we'll survive? We can live without technology but how we survive without fresh air and food? think about it. This is our planet. We are human. Act like a human. save nature save a life and believe me this will be fruitful for us and our next generations. " ये धरती मर रही है क्योंकि मानवजाति इसे नष्ट कर रही हैं, लेकिन यदि पृथ्वी मरती है तो तुम भी मरते हो |" If you like my blo

Blog 1.7

                                                  Happiness & Prosperity......... Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. Today's blog is based on "Happiness & Prosperity". Happiness is defined as a feeling. When a human being forgets all the problems then we say that yes this is happiness.  Prosperity  often encompasses wealth but also includes other factors which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health. Every human being wants to be happy and prosperous in life. We are not happy because we're finding happiness in others. We don't want a solution we only know how to create a problem. We all are not prosperous too because if we are not happy then how we can prosperous. Don't find happiness in others. Don't create problems if you face any kind of problem then find a suitable solution don't think too deep. If you cant handle your problem then leave your problem fo

Blog 1.6

                                                             Importance...... Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. today's blog is based on "Importance". I want to ask a question to you who is important for you? Give me your answer in the comment section. We all are confused that who is important for us among  Family, Friends, and  Cellphone. We are unable to prioritize our importance. When we need our family we always give importance to our friends. We need our friends we give importance to the cellphone. By this everything is getting unbalanced. Every time we busy with our cellphone or with our friends. We don't have time for our family.  They continuously want to spend some time with us but as usual, we ignore them for friends. Let's prioritize all the things. Always remember that our family should be our priority. Spend some time with your family. "आप तब तक यह नहीं समझ पाते की आपके लिए कौन महत्‍वपूर्ण है, जब

Blog 1.5

                                                        Mentality...... Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. today's blog is based on "Mentality". We all are a human being. Our mentality is different. Our lifestyles are different from each other. We can not change our mentality. We can not change the mentality of our society. The main problem is that we always give our views but we can not implement our views in reality. We always try to change things but we never change our minds. How many times we care about others mentality. This is our life. We have the rights to live our life by own rules. Our mentality works as a barrier for us and our career also. We have to break this barrier. We all want a good politician but no one want to join politics Why?  Because we always learn how to give our views we never learn how to implement because of our mentality. Please leave this kind of mentality. Come forward and do some good works for

Blog 1.4

                                                                   Overthinking...... Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much support. So let's start. today's blog is based on "Overthinking". Everyone has different thinking. Unlimited thoughts come in our mind. Sometimes we think too much, which is called overthinking. According to me, it gives a negative impact on our mind and our personality as well. Generally, We can know the nature of any human just by knowing his thoughts and observing how he handles any situation. Thinking is good but overthinking, I don't think is good for us and our health as well. In the present scenario, everyone is busy. We have lost our happiness because of overthinking. Many people are not happy they are always lost in thoughts. At the end of our life what we get? Nothing. We should not waste our time on overthinking. On that time we can do some good work for others and makes others also happy too. Leave overthinking and

Blog 1.3

                                                    Success........ Welcome to my blog and thank you for that much support. so let's start. Everyone wants success in their life even I also want success in my life. We all set long goals but sometimes we are unable to achieve our goals. for that, we should set short term goals to achieve them then set another goal. I know we all are dedicated to our goal. I don't understand one thing, Due to some reasons if they are unable to achieve their goals they lose their hopes. It's better to set short term goals achieve them then move to another goal. I think short term goals are better than long term goals. Every short term goal is another step of success of life. We learned from our failures. Make your plan better and achieve your goals. it's your time to rise and shine like a sun. "जिंदगी में किसी से अपनी तुलना मत करो जैसे चांद और सूरज की तुलना किसी से नहीं की जा सकती क्योकि यह अपने समय पर ही चमकते है।"

Blog 1.2

                                                      Journey..... Welcome to my blog and thank you for this much of support. so let's start. I was in the first year when I joined NCC as a cadet. I was not aware of what is NCC? but I knew one thing that for NCC I have to wear a uniform. I was excited. After a few months, people started noticing that there is a cadet name Arpit Mishra he is very punctual and he can do anything. Major Neeti Prakash was NCC Officer. She worked in PSIT as a registrar. She called me one day and asked me, do you want to work with me in an event? I said yes ma'am why not. I managed my first event as a coorganizer and that event was TedX. She was very happy while seeing my hard work and dedication to my work. We organize many events together. After a few months I got my first NCC Rank and that was Under Officer. I can't forget that day. after a year I got my second and higher rank in NCC and that was Senior Under Officer. I trained many jun

Blog 1.1

                                             Never Give Up Today’s my second blog. Thank you guys for your wonderful support. Yesterday's blog was on my achievements so let’s continue the journey. After getting all those achievements , I want more from my life. Yes, my life indeed gives me a lot, but my expectations were  little bit high. I thought that I earned 50+ certificates in various fields like Administration, Technical and Business but I didn’t do anything in the field of Research.  I was eager to do some research works. Mr. Varun Shukla is my mentor. He encouraged me to do some research . He called s me and said “Arpit, let’s do some research ”. I was shocked. In my B.Tech, I wrote a research paper “ An Authenticated and Secure Device for Paralyzed Patient ”.    I presented this paper at the National Conference. I did ’t know what he thought about me but one day he again called me and my team and gave me a precious gift…… more research paper as my bi

Blog 1.0

I'm welcoming you all in my blog. My name is Arpit Mishra and I'm an engineering student. This is my first blog. Today I want to share my story when I first saw my college. My college name is Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology. I have done my schooling from Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College. I want to be an engineer so I choose PSIT as my college. I got admission in PSIT. After taking admission I see his name and think at once that I have to do something that my colleagues will positively remember me. I started my engineering journey. In my first year I heard that, if you have no certificate you can not do anything, Company will not hire you. I thought I have to work on it. In my second year, I worked with Internshala as a student partner. I worked with Awign as a Campus Ambassador. I intern at Bolt IoT. I get trained with BSNL. I serve NCC for 3 years as a Senior Under Officer, but still, I want to earn. Now, I have 50+ certificate with various companies. I worked in